Wish - Keep Talking 1

KNN online class - Wish - Keep Talking 1

Do you wish you were younger/older? Why?

Dés dans la même catégorie

Decenas →

Juegos matemáticos de suma con decenas.

Atonement →

Used in Roll Your Own Hero's Journey game

Groundwater Water Cycle Investigation →

Groundwater water cycle investigation


  • Do you wish you lived in another country? What country?
  • Do you wish you didn’t have any enemies? Why?
  • Do you wish you were taller/shorter? Why?
  • Do you wish you worked in a different company? What company?
  • Do you wish you were younger/older? Why?
  • Do you wish you were the opposite sex? Why?
  • What do you wish you could cook? Why?
  • Do you wish a loved one came back to life? Why? Who?
  • Do you wish you could change your past life? Why? What?
  • Do you wish you were fluent in a new language? Why? Which one?
  • Do you wish you traveled the world? Why?
  • Do you wish you had kids? Why? How many?
  • Do you wish you were married? Why?
  • Do you wish you were a famous person? Why?
  • Do you wish you were anonymous? Why?
  • Do you wish you were in a TV show? Which one?
  • Do you wish to be someone you know? Who?
  • What do you wish would happen today?
  • What do you wish you could do after this class?
  • Have any of your wishes ever come true?
  • Do you ever wish you could travel back in time?
  • What do you wish you had right now?
  • Do you wish you had a different name? Why?
  • How much money do you wish you had?

créer des dés personnalisés

Qr Code qr_wish-keep-talking-1.png for this dice

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