Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ

What is Rollthedice?

Rollthedice allows you to create a virtual dice completely free in just one minute. Just name your new dice and select the faces. These may contain numbers, names, phrases, etc. A unique link will be generated, and a random result will appear every time you visit it.

What can you use it for?

Why is it free?

Creating dice in Rollthedice is free because these include an advertising system for which we get profits. If you use an ad blocker please disable it on our site so that we can continue to offer the service free of charge.

Will there be paid dice?

We are currently working on dice with images, symbols, no advertising, custom and timers that will be included in premium accounts. At the moment they are only for administrator accounts.

Can I roll several dice at once?

Yes, you must create the dice and then create a roll with them.

What is the QR Code on my dice?

It is a QR Code that links exclusively to your dice. You can download it, print it, create stickers, distribute it on social networks, etc.

Why Rollthedice?

Rollthedice replaces physical dice with virtual dice by adding enhancements that the physical ones do not have as a roll history, custom faces, or a higher number of faces.

How do I create the dice?

To create custom dice you will need a user account. Then you fill out the dice form with a name, an identifier or slug that is normally created alone, a description, mark if it is public or private, mark if the dice is part of another roll with more dice, a category and finally the faces of the dice.