Who Is Your Daddi (emotional)

Who i s dad dad is me I am dad daddi i am your dadd and you are my I am dad I am you are who is we are me is dad dadi

what are your favorite things about yourself physical or characteristics

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  • favorite sex position (and would u wanna do it right now)
  • favorite thing about the other person physically
  • favorite thing about the other person (non physical)
  • thing the other person is best at in bed
  • confession
  • what is your favorite memory of us
  • what are you most excited for with me
  • what first attracted you to me
  • what are your favorite things about yourself physical or characteristics
  • is there anything you wanna try in the bedroom
  • what do you fantasize about sexually
  • what do you fantasize about with me (non sexually)
  • what is the last thing i did for you that you enjoyed
  • what is a difference between us that you appreciate
  • what does trust mean to you
  • most surprising thing you learned about me
  • what has hanging out with me taught you about yourself
  • when have you felt most proud of me
  • what makes you feel confident
  • how important is physical connection to you
  • what is the most interesting fact about me
  • favorite thing to do together

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