Teens 2 SImple Past

KNN make up class, Wednesday, 05/06/2020

to cook + cookies

Dés dans la même catégorie

mixed verbs →

mixed verbs used for adding -ed or -ing

Movement-locomotor →

movement dance Orff children

Rock Cycle: Ocean →

Rock Cylce Game-Ocean Station


  • to like + jewelry
  • to help + store
  • to want + headphone
  • to need + microphone
  • to live + hotel
  • to work + hospital
  • to cook + cookies
  • to arrive + yesterday
  • to study + tablet
  • to try + bathing suit
  • to fry + French fries
  • to play + stadium
  • to love + museum
  • to travel + New York
  • to prefer + slacks

créer des dés personnalisés

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