Renata English Practice

You will reach the advanced level in no time if you practice regularly :)

according to

Dés dans la même catégorie

Retos con lego →

Con el resultado que nos de al lanzar el dado podemos ver que reto de Lego se nos presenta. ¿Podrás hacerlos todos?

Chu 1 Student Generated Questions a →

Student generated questions

finger counting →

subitizing- finger in hands


  • since [some time]
  • for [some time]
  • another
  • try TO
  • need TO
  • want TO
  • addressee
  • to insure
  • insurance
  • look FOR
  • lawyer
  • last week/month/year
  • once
  • twice
  • [once] every [two weeks]
  • a lot of experience
  • stranger
  • I'm sorry for you.
  • to be frank
  • listen TO
  • more (meaning further)
  • stop doing sth
  • to lose
  • AT (school, work, hospital, allegro etc.)
  • taught
  • thought
  • bought
  • organize
  • appointment
  • afraid OF
  • additional
  • sth is over
  • plan TO
  • add
  • well
  • forget TO
  • ON the way
  • to colour
  • ask IF
  • once
  • twice
  • on one hand
  • on the other hand
  • take care OF
  • such a
  • intercom
  • radiator
  • cooperative
  • window sill
  • heavy rain
  • otherwise
  • one/the other
  • at all
  • mesh
  • ask about
  • ask to
  • upload
  • display
  • upfront
  • none of [them]
  • once [a week, a month etc.]
  • psychology
  • psycho
  • want sb to do sth
  • CAN see/hear etc.
  • painkiller
  • drop
  • information
  • tidy up/clean up
  • olive oil
  • ingredient
  • heat
  • pipe
  • shape
  • earplugs
  • tram
  • my place etc.
  • really like
  • teenage
  • medical
  • retire
  • retail
  • first of all
  • I have never
  • insured
  • exception
  • exceptional
  • exceptionally
  • agency
  • first
  • feel-felt-felt
  • enjoy
  • a leave
  • message
  • discount
  • advertising
  • revise
  • plumber
  • record
  • recording
  • Earth
  • fix
  • drip
  • until
  • first, next or then, finally
  • depend ON
  • degree
  • schedule
  • scheduled
  • gene
  • die of
  • reply
  • fall ill
  • chest
  • breast
  • breath
  • common
  • too much
  • not enough
  • next week
  • conversation
  • refund
  • hairdo
  • Let me
  • How about
  • as if
  • nod
  • stubborn
  • overload
  • naturally
  • set
  • alimony
  • bad-worse-the worst
  • care about vs take care
  • hire vs fire
  • judge
  • know-knew-known
  • party
  • to be in pain
  • vaccinate
  • woman/women
  • helpful
  • private
  • teach vs learn
  • teach-taught-taught
  • pickles
  • with / without permission
  • I don't really...
  • Your welcome.
  • business card
  • frame vs box
  • To be honest/frank...
  • Czechia, Czech
  • thud
  • ladder
  • drill
  • gap vs hole
  • to tak some time
  • prayer
  • sign
  • according to
  • kettle vs jug
  • bottled
  • boiled
  • pour
  • at once
  • squueze
  • keep doing sth
  • harmful
  • want sb to do sth
  • on TV, on the internet, on the radio

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