Relative Clauses - KT2

KNN online class, Keep Talking 2 - Relative Clauses

The people _______ were in the bank were totally frightened.

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  • This is the bank ________ was robbed yesterday.
  • A boy ________ sister is in my class witnessed the crime.
  • The man _______ robbed the bank had two pistols.
  • He wore a mask _______ made him look like Mickey Mouse!
  • He came with a friend _______ waited outside, in the car.
  • The woman _______ gave him the money was young.
  • The bag ________ contained the money was yellow.
  • The people _______ were in the bank were totally frightened.
  • A man ________ mobile was ringing was cruelly shot!
  • A woman ________ daughter was crying tried to calm her.
  • The car ________ the bank robbers escaped in was orange.
  • The robber ________ mask was obviously too big, didn't drive.
  • The man ________ drove the car was freaking nervous!
  • He didn't wait at the traffic lights, _______ were red.
  • A police officer ________ car was parked at the next corner, ran and arrested them.

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