Reading Response Dice - Fiction

Reading Response

Predicting: State a prediction. What knowledge do you have that helped you make your prediction

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  • Making Connections: Make a connection. What helped you make the connection between your experiences and your book?
  • Predicting: State a prediction. What knowledge do you have that helped you make your prediction
  • Make an inference about a charcter. What clues from your reading helped you make this inference?
  • Questioning: Ask a "beyond there" question. What prompted the question and were you able to answer it with further reading?
  • Characterization: State who the protagonist of the story is. Describe what he/she/it may look like, act like, or sound like using the characterization provided by the author.
  • Inciting Incident: What started the problem in the story? How is it being solved?
  • Characters: Identify a character in the story that is not the protagonist and explain if they are a dynamic or static character.
  • Figurative Language. Find an example of figurative language in your reading. Explain what it means and how the author used it to help you understand the story better.
  • Setting: Where and When did the story take place? How does knowing this help you understand the story?
  • Conflict: Identify a type of conflict in the book. Explain why you think this conflict is occurring.

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