Random Mine Encounters

This is for a D&D 5e Mine set in Japanese/Chinese realm of folklore.


Dés dans la même catégorie

Hockey Blast →

Hockey Blast from PLAAY

Generic Die →

You just roll with it, like a normal dice. You get anywhere from 1 to 6.

black super star baseball →

Black die for superstar baseball


  • Item: Machine part
  • Puzzle: Broken machine
  • Item: Dwarf Power Barrel (battery)
  • Monsters: medium
  • Monsters: medium
  • Monsters: hard
  • Trap: Setback 1d10 DC 12 rocks
  • A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check discerns. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check is necessary to confirm that the trapped section of floor is actually the cover of a pit. 2d6 damage from fall. CON Half Damage
  • Set back - missing section of the floor, 10 - 20 feet across.
  • Quest Item
  • Lore: Demons
  • Lore: Miner relic
  • Nothing
  • Scenery Item
  • Nothing
  • Volcanic gas
  • Tainted Area
  • Tainted Area
  • Useful item (tool, spike, rope, chain)
  • Lamp

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Qr Code qr_random-mine-encounters.png for this dice

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> Télécharger .png

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