Quarter, Eights, Sixteenth

General Music for 4th and 5th grade students.


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Stories with books-Ιστορίες με βιβλία →

Γράψτε μια ιστορία για ένα βιβλίο!

Question Words (English) →

This die generates question words for educational games.

Roll a →

This dice provides different claims for students to generate claims that provide reasons for or against (counter-arguments) them.


  • Quarter
  • Quarter
  • Eight
  • Eight
  • Sixteenth
  • Rest

créer des dés personnalisés

Qr Code qr_quarter-eights-sixteenth.png for this dice

Mettez-le sur votre site Web, imprimé sur votre jeu ou sur un autocollant.
> Télécharger .png

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