Protagonist / Villain

Roll the dice to find the protagonist and villain of your story!

A member of your family

Dés dans la même catégorie

Vowels →

Short and Long Vowels

Rock Cycle: River →

Rock Cycle game: River Station

Ordeal →

Used in Roll Your Own Hero's Journey game


  • You
  • A teacher at your school
  • A famous celebrity
  • One of your classmates
  • A member of your family
  • Your English teacher
  • A dog
  • Your neighbour
  • An alien
  • Your school's headteacher
  • A baby

créer des dés personnalisés

Qr Code qr_protagonist-villain.png for this dice

Mettez-le sur votre site Web, imprimé sur votre jeu ou sur un autocollant.
> Télécharger .png

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