Meeting Creatures Remote Edition

What creature will you be this time?

Detourer - bend every topic to your favorite topic.

Dés dans la même catégorie

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To mention the number of times

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Eclipse Phase Backgrounds →

Creación de personaje inicial para el juego de rol Eclipse Phase 2ª Edición: Trasfondo


  • Nitpick Nick - get lost in irrelevant details.
  • Echo Bot - repeat ideas already mentioned by someone else.
  • Bulldog - get angry and, possibly, insulting.
  • Complicator - turn every simple topic into something super complicated.
  • Abstractor - lift the discussion into a way too abstract level.
  • Hip-Speak-Hombre - use way too many technical terms.
  • Detourer - bend every topic to your favorite topic.
  • Hedgehog Igor - critcize every idea without offering an own idea.
  • Infinite Loopine - repeat the same point over and over again.
  • Plantlet Killer - kill every new idea instantly with criticism (i. e. too early).
  • Confusius - confuse everyone with off-topic and obscure thoughts.
  • Keynote Speaker - make excessive and long speeches.
  • Fox - hide your critcism in sugar coating.
  • Bambi - sit in silence without making any contribution.
  • Choke-off-Olaf - use killer phrases like "This has never worked so far!"
  • Decidor - try to make hasty decisions for the whole Team.
  • Social Technician - talk about tech even on social topics.
  • Little One - apologize after every statement.
  • Blame Bob - blame others without really understanding the contribution of others.
  • Know-it-all-Albert - behave smart-assed and correct others all the time.

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