Literature Circles Discussion Questions 2

Questions related to novels students are reading in my class.

How would living in the book's setting change you?

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  • What does this book have to say about forgiveness?
  • Does the language / word choice enhance or detract from the story? Explain.
  • How would living in the book's setting change you?
  • What was the catalyst that caused the character(s) to change? How did it affect those characters?
  • Has this book inspired you to explore new ideas or to look at things from another perspective? Why or why not?
  • Was anything missing from the book that should have been included? Explain.
  • If you were to design a new illustration for the cover of your book, what would it look like?
  • Which character would you most like to meet in real life? Why?
  • What about this book has surprised you? Why?
  • Is this book optimistic or pessimistic about life? Explain.
  • Do you feel like the interactions between characters are realistic? Why or why not?
  • Does this book have value in contemporary society? (In other words, should other people read it?) Why or why not?

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