Level F Post Reading Comprehension

Level F Post Reading Comprehension

Analyzing: Is this text fiction or nonfiction? Is it realistic fiction or fantasy? How do you know?

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  • Summarising: Tell me what happened in the story in order.
  • Summarising: What happened in the story at the beginning, middle, and end?
  • Making Connections: Does something in this book remind you of something in your life?
  • Making Connections: What connections can you make between this book and another one?
  • Making Connections: Have you read another book that has this same character in it? What are you noticing about the character between that book and this one?
  • Synthesizing: What have you learned new about this book from pictures or the words? Show me in the book. Find evidence in the text.
  • Inferring: What caused the character to feel the way he/she does? Find evidence
  • Inferring: What caused the character to do something in the story? Find evidence
  • Inferring: Did the character change during the story? Why?
  • Inferring: What kind of person is the character? What have you learned about them from their actions? Show how you know using the book. (text evidence)
  • Analyzing: What parts of the text can you identify? (Beginning/series of events/ending) How do you identify these parts?
  • Analyzing: Is this text fiction or nonfiction? Is it realistic fiction or fantasy? How do you know?
  • Analyzing: What do you think caused the problem in the story? The outcome? Use evidence from the text.
  • Analyzing: What did the author do to make story interesting or funny? i.e. description, pictures, word choice
  • Analyzing: Where and why is a certain part of the book funny?
  • Critiquing: Do the illustrations help the reader understand the story better? How so?
  • Critiquing: What judgment can you make about a character or event in the text? Explain your judgment.
  • Critiquing: • What did you think of the book? Its beginning, ending, characters?

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