Janek - Vocabulary Pool

This is for Janek to practise his English, although he's better at it than I expected!

psychology, psychologist, psychological

Dés dans la même catégorie

DAU 3r B →

Nombres enters positius i negatius


Practicar verbos irregulares con cambio en la ra

Spanish Subject Pronouns →

Spanish conjugation practice


  • agenda
  • mix
  • on the way
  • other than that
  • physics
  • primary
  • -s (everybody, someone etc.)
  • secondary
  • there is, there are
  • to + infinitive
  • aunt
  • bite-bit-bitten
  • vowel
  • consonant
  • Earth
  • grammar
  • this/that/these/those
  • -/a(an)/the
  • a versus an
  • take/took/taken
  • hear/heard/heard
  • used to
  • send a text
  • double (letter, number)
  • dot
  • dash
  • at (@)
  • ache
  • chemistry
  • hurt
  • look forward to something
  • on (some day)
  • psychology, psychologist, psychological
  • stomach
  • temporary
  • habit
  • wake up-woke up-waken up
  • allergy
  • quarter
  • past/to
  • midday, noon
  • midnight
  • obvious, obviously
  • case
  • eat-ate-eaten
  • extreme
  • go-went-gone
  • habit
  • half an hour
  • in vs out
  • once
  • to be gone
  • ending
  • future ideas versus plans
  • “eu” sound
  • force
  • get the message across
  • knob
  • phrasal verb
  • pupil versus student
  • Same here.
  • site
  • willing
  • *i*e pronunciation
  • “-ics” ending
  • average
  • baby
  • child, children
  • for the record
  • grade
  • sphere, spherical
  • out of (about numbers)
  • subject
  • cause
  • class vs group
  • because of
  • and so on
  • remote control
  • remote, remotely
  • tempt, temptation
  • present perfect simple
  • present perfect continuous
  • for vs since
  • talk, walk
  • ask (about)
  • to question
  • to demand
  • drive-drove-driven
  • sleep-slept-slept
  • read-read-read
  • write-wrote-written
  • drink-drank-drunk
  • dot vs point
  • already vs yet
  • earphones
  • When did (you) last...
  • wake up - woke up
  • low - medium - high
  • long --> length
  • high --> heigth
  • wide --> width
  • wide NOT narrow
  • approximately = roughly = about = more or less
  • rough NOT smooth
  • a peer
  • many times
  • to feed
  • politics vs a politician
  • see sb/sth happening - pattern
  • the point
  • furniture, a piece of furniture
  • what do you call...
  • stationery
  • a board, a board game
  • to foresee (the future)
  • rare, rarely
  • thrilled
  • hole vs whole
  • priority
  • curfew
  • cashier
  • it depends
  • that's a shame / what a shame
  • germs
  • elderly
  • adverse effects
  • awful, awfully
  • radiant, radiance
  • patient, patience
  • hopefully
  • weather
  • sunnY, windY, rainY, foggY, cloudY etc.
  • cruel, cruelty
  • if I were you
  • Easter
  • expire
  • coincidence
  • just
  • chain
  • high time
  • order
  • rubber
  • THE Alps
  • tyres
  • understatement
  • wise, wisdom
  • won't vs want TO
  • short answers
  • to take some time
  • stag / hen party
  • question tags
  • bride (the future wife) vs groom (the future husband)
  • by bus, by train, by plane vs on foot
  • wheel
  • impersonal you
  • Sorry to keep you waiting.
  • 1 person, 2 people
  • a lot of = many + much
  • mug vs cup vs bowl
  • china (material)
  • to be/get used to doing sth vs used to do sth (in the past)
  • miss
  • designate
  • Present simple structure
  • Present continuous structure
  • Past simple structure
  • Future simple structure
  • Past continuous structure
  • Present perfect structure
  • Present perfect continuous structure
  • past modals
  • likewise
  • feel/felt/felt
  • forbid/forbade/forbidden
  • Denmark
  • it depends
  • come on vs go on
  • helium
  • hydrogen
  • 20 vs 12 etc.
  • I really like it etc.
  • a freak
  • to go bad (about food)
  • canvas
  • decent
  • at last vs at least
  • passive voice
  • won't
  • awkward
  • an appointment
  • length/width/depth
  • to hurt
  • copper
  • a mine
  • a cell
  • scientist, scientific
  • embryo
  • heart
  • liver
  • kidney
  • to feed
  • mock
  • exhausted
  • poetry
  • comparative adjectives
  • analyse
  • few vs a few
  • to be used to (doing) sth
  • a meal
  • to be over
  • ASAP = as soon as possible
  • at the latest
  • 'ea' and 'ee' sounds
  • capital letter
  • a drug
  • former, formerly
  • such as
  • pre-school
  • total
  • public transport
  • employee vs employer
  • you're welcome
  • on purpose VS by accident
  • a certificate
  • sight
  • bearable vs unbearable
  • a flight
  • though, although
  • in no time
  • schwa

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