Fun Facts About You

Knowing what to share about yourself is the hard part because we’re often not prepared when the situation arises. If you were to make a list of “fun facts about me,” what would you include? Let's practice!

“Something I’d love to get rich by doing full-time is….”

Dés dans la même catégorie

My Personal Pussy →

Roll it 10 times. Just two rules, 1) You need to do all the tasks even if it means multiple orgasms. 2) Send a picture after each task(Can be anything be creative)

Night outfit →

Outfit to wear during your sissy time

Edging yourself →

Only cum when you get CUM! Doesn't count if you get CUM within your first 10 rolls HARD MODE: CUM prompt doesn't count until you've rolled over 20 times IMPOSSIBLE MODE: CUM prompt doesn't count until you've got ALL other prompts


  • Think about your childhood and any interesting, unusual, or relevant events or situations. Tell about it.
  • Consider your family and any unique characters or funny stories about them. Tell about it.
  • “One of my favorite things to do is…. “
  • “Right now, I’m reading about….”
  • “One thing I know I do well (or better than most) is….”
  • “I look up to….”
  • “One thing I cannot live without is….”
  • “Something I’d love to get rich by doing full-time is….”
  • “The people I grew up with influenced me by….”
  • “I would love to meet (and even have lunch with)….”
  • “One struggle I’ve had that has made me who I am is….”
  • “My perfect day would start with _____ and end with _____.”
  • “If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be….”
  • “One thing on my bucket list is….”
  • “My best friend is my best friend because….”
  • “An accomplishment I’m particularly proud of is….”
  • “One very memorable summer, I….”
  • “One thing I use every day that I could probably live without is….”
  • “The most embarrassing thing that happened to me at work was….”
  • “I volunteer at….” or “If I were to volunteer, it would be for….”
  • “My favorite comfort food is….”
  • “I’d most like to be remembered for….”
  • “If I won the lottery, the first thing I’d buy would be….”
  • “If I could make anything happen for someone, I would….”
  • “If I could keep any strange animal as a pet, I would choose…”

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