⛳ Hole Rules | Disc Golf Party

Roll once each hole to find that Hole Rule for all players. Attacks must happen after Hole Roll. Abilities granted must be used that turn. Singles or Teams......See Disc Golf Party | Attacks for the player abilities

HOT POTATO | CTP can give one team a +1 penalty stroke. The team behind you in tee order picks the discs you drive w/

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Resultado Partido 8 para Quiniela

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Birmingham Black Widows Grey

Jahnke’s PE warm up →

Warm up for pe ..................


  • MULTIVERSE | Play w/ an opponent's bag (pass down in tee order)
  • HOME RUN DERBY | 2 drives per player. CTP Aces
  • BLINDFOLDS | Start 50 ft closer. Drive w/ eyes closed (including walk up)
  • BOGEY ISLAND | Drive w/ a Distance Driver. If you don't Birdie or Ace, you Bogey
  • NINJA STARS | FH only (including putts)
  • ADULT SWIM | Only 6 speed discs or higher
  • X GAMES | Drives must be rollers
  • CASINO | Each team flips 3 discs. 3H: Start 30 ft from basket. 2H: Start halfway. 1H: Nothing. 0H: 30 ft behind tee
  • BIG ADVENTURE | Move the tee back 50 ft back
  • PINBALL | 360 BH drives. All tree trunk hits are a +1 stroke
  • WEENIE HUT JR'S | Drive w/ your highest speed disc. Last team up to tee starts 50 ft closer
  • CEMETERY | CTP bans a mold of discs in each opponent's bag [P]. Last place team starts halfway to the basket
  • GAME OF CATCH | NO ABILITIES. One drive per team w/ a 1-2 speed. Catch your teammate's drive. +1 stroke if dropped
  • HOT POTATO | CTP can give one team a +1 penalty stroke. The team behind you in tee order picks the discs you drive w/
  • SAFARI | The basket closest to the current basket is the new target
  • BAR FIGHT | Spin around 10 times before every throw. Opponents can distract you during play
  • NOODLE ARMS | Start halfway to the basket. Play w/ your non-dominant hand
  • FLOOR IS LAVA | NO ATTACKS. Start 10 ft away. Miss & you're out. Back up 10 ft after each round. New disc each throw. Last alive Aces, losers Par.
  • PUTTING GAME | NO ABILITIES. Start 25-30 ft away. If someone makes it after you miss, you're out. New disc each throw. Winner Aces, losers Par
  • [Q] BLUE SHELL | +2 strokes to the last hole of the current leader(s) [P] & re-roll
  • [Q] SWITCH-A-ROO | Flip the tee order & re-roll
  • FIGHT CLUB | The top 2 teams: choose each other's disc to drive w/ & start 30 ft further back
  • [Q] BAN WAGON | The team behind you in tee order bans a mold of discs in your bag(s) [P] . Re-roll
  • [Q] RESPAWN TOKENS | Each player who used their Mulligan gets it back [P] . Re-roll
  • [Q] TWISTER | Delete the scores of the past 2 holes [P] & re-roll
  • FRISBEE GOLF | BH only w/ Putting Putters
  • MYSTERY BOX | Everyone puts a disc in a stack then picks one to drive w/. Can't pick your own & last place doesn't pick

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