Compound Complex

Have students write compound complex sentences based on the "formula" on the dice. Help them to manipulate sentence structures.


Dés dans la même catégorie

los verbos en español →

For use in Roll and Write activities

Purple Efron →

From mathematician Bradley Efron

0 - 9000 →

This is for a game in school to practice the numbers 0 - 9000. In Swedish, the game is called "Katten, musen, tiotusen" - "The cat, the mouse, ten thousand".


  • IC DC; IC.
  • DC, IC, fanboy IC.
  • IC, fanboy IC DC.
  • IC DC; IC DC.
  • DC, IC; IC DC.
  • IC, fanboy DC, IC.
  • IC; IC DC.
  • IC DC, fanboy IC.

créer des dés personnalisés

Qr Code qr_compound-complex.png for this dice

Mettez-le sur votre site Web, imprimé sur votre jeu ou sur un autocollant.
> Télécharger .png

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