Civics Game Number 8 - President

Civics game bill

President says NO! Go to Congress for Override.

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Thinking While Reading →

Strategies for thinking while reading - infer, question, connection, predicting, visualizing, summarize

Should you do it? →

Should you do the thing you're not sure about doing? Find out.


  • President says YES! BILL BECOMES A LAW!
  • President says YES! BILL BECOMES A LAW!
  • President says NO! Go to Congress for Override.
  • President ignores the bill for 10 days. Congress is in session. BILL BECOMES LAW!
  • President says NO! Go to Congress for Override.
  • President ignores the bill for 10 days. Congress is not in session. POCKET VETO. BILL IS DEAD.

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Qr Code qr_civics-game-number-8---president.png for this dice

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