Chorus Form

Switch up the structure of the hook!

T - - -

Dés dans la même catégorie

Intervallit →

intervals music piano notes

Time Signature →

This is the amount of notes/kind of notes the music will be played with. (4/4 = 4 Quarter(1/4) Notes). Make sure to set the amount of notes to the top number times 4. (3/4 time uses 3 (top number) x 4, so 12 total notes).

Musical Alphabet →

Note names of the musical alphabet


  • TTTT
  • - T - T
  • T - - T
  • - - - T
  • T - - -
  • T - T -

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Qr Code qr_chorus-form.png for this dice

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> Télécharger .png

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