Cationes Oxoácidos

Cationes para formular los oxacidos incluyendo el Manganeso y el Cromo


Dés dans la même catégorie

Directional →

deciding which direction to move it

operator: common activities →

Common activities in English to use in phrases

Operator - something made of →

Operator - something made of


  • Cl+1
  • Cl+3
  • Cl+5
  • Cl+7
  • I+1
  • I+3
  • I+5
  • I+7
  • Br+1
  • Br+3
  • Br+5
  • Br+7
  • S+2
  • S+4
  • S+6
  • Se+2
  • Se+4
  • Se+6
  • Te+2
  • Te+4
  • Te+6
  • N+3
  • N+5
  • P+3
  • P+5
  • C+2
  • C+4
  • Mn+6
  • Mn+7
  • Cr+6

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