Land Plants

Land plants die for the carbon cycle game

Atmosphere: you are carbohydrate in the plant, respired to provide nrg. You are released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.

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  • Land plants: you are carbohydrate being stored in the plant or used to grow more plants. Roll again.
  • Atmosphere: you are carbohydrate in the plant, respired to provide nrg. You are released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
  • Land consumer: you are carbohydrate in the plant which has been eaten by an animal.
  • Atmosphere: you are carbohydrate in the plant, respired to provide nrg. You are released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
  • Land consumer: you are carbohydrate in the plant which has been eaten by an animal.
  • Freshwater: you are plant matter that has washed into a stream of lake.

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Qr Code qr_carbon-cycle-land-plants.png for this dice

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