Deep Particle

Deep particle die in the Carbon Cycle game

Deep dissolved: you are carbon in dead plants or animals. respired by bacteria to provide energy nrg. You are released into the surrounding water as carbon dioxide.

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  • Deep dissolved: you are carbon in dead plants or animals. respired by bacteria to provide energy nrg. You are released into the surrounding water as carbon dioxide.
  • Deep dissolved: you are carbon waste, respired by bacteria to provide nrg. You are released into the surrounding water as carbon dioxide.
  • Deep dissolved: you are carbon waste, respired by bacteria to provide nrg. You are released into the surrounding water as carbon dioxide.
  • Deep particles: you are carbon in waste or dead stuff. Particles continue drifting in deep ocean currents Roll again.
  • Deep dissolved: you are carbon in dead plants or animals. respired by bacteria to provide energy nrg. You are released into the surrounding water as carbon dioxide.
  • Ocean sediments: You are carbon in waste and dead stuff. The particle sinks carrying you to the sediment on the seafloor.

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Qr Code qr_carbon-cycle-deep-particle.png for this dice

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