Can You Bring Me

Ask students to bring you different objects from the list of vocab they already know.

something gray

Dés dans la même catégorie

Rimes123 →

Onset and rime intervention

Lesson 4 Dice Loaded →

This one has the 1 replaced with a 6. A loaded die.

xxx personality dicd →

For my english class


  • a pencil
  • a fruit
  • a pair of shoes
  • a plastic cup
  • a book
  • a notebook
  • something red
  • something green
  • something gray
  • something that starts with the letter A
  • a pen
  • something old
  • something new
  • any piece of clothing
  • a bowl
  • something you know the name in English
  • an eraser
  • a ruler
  • a pencil case
  • markers
  • a baby's bottle

créer des dés personnalisés

Qr Code qr_can-you-bring-me.png for this dice

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> Télécharger .png

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