
Doc advantage dice for game

If the roll was an attack, increase the attack’s damage by 10 for each boon.

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  • Give the player a deeper secret about the person, place, or event he or she is investigating.
  • Reduce the heat generated by the character’s actions by 2 for each boon rolled.
  • Restore 10 luck to the crew member—the boon restores the character’s confidence and vigor.
  • If the roll was an attack, increase the attack’s damage by 10 for each boon.
  • Remove an additional member of a squad of minions from the scene after a successful attack.
  • Give another player an advantage die on a roll directly due to a change in the situation.
  • Restore expended Influence due to an unexpected windfall (if a player rolls 3 or more boons on the same check or attack).

créer des dés personnalisés

Qr Code qr_boon.png for this dice

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