Book 1 - Unit 24

KNN online class, Book 1, Monday, 04/27/2020

to see + sky

Dés dans la même catégorie

Connectives - opposition →

different opposing connectives

irregular verbs →

irregular-verbs-story PART3 List of irregular verbs (infinitive) to use for story telling, quiz, etc

Simple Ionic compounds- Metals →

These can be used to help students learn to write ionic compounds from combinations of metals and nonmetals.


  • to open + door
  • to close + window
  • to wash + yesterday
  • to put + here
  • to see + sky
  • to travel + last year
  • to learn + every week
  • to move + 2 months ago
  • to start + course
  • to smoke + a lot
  • to ask + him
  • to remember + them

créer des dés personnalisés

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