Book 1 - Some & Any

KNN online class, Book 1, Monday, 05/11/2020

to listen to + song

Dés dans la même catégorie

Earth's Interior Station →

Earth's interior station in the journey through the rock cycle.

Subject pronouns →

Spanish subject pronouns for conjugations

Explore 1: Competition Factors →

Educational Activity


  • to see + monkey
  • to try + exercises
  • to listen to + song
  • to understand + puzzles
  • to invite + woman
  • to know + building
  • to watch + class
  • to study + subject
  • to write + letter
  • to cook + salad
  • to help + monkey
  • to wash + carrot
  • to travel to + country
  • to give + present

créer des dés personnalisés

Qr Code qr_book-1-some-y-any.png for this dice

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> Télécharger .png

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