Blaze Or Burn

Which situation deserves a flame?

Christine shows respect to her teacher by sitting quietly.

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  • Sarah has a really important point to make so she jumps into the conversation and gains a lot of positive agreement from her peers.
  • Johnny jumps into the conversation by building off of what Claire just said. He gives her credit for sparking his idea.
  • Carly turns her work in on time.
  • Jason is attentive to the activity we are playing in class, but doesn't speak up.
  • Lilly participates in class, but only seems to repeat ideas and conversation points already mentioned.
  • Molly always gets As and Tim always gets Cs. Molly participates everyday, but never does anything outside of her comfort zone. Tim will participate every so often which is hard for him because he is shy. Who blazes? Who burns?
  • Christine shows respect to her teacher by sitting quietly.
  • Juan brings the "you" everyday to class by being his loud, obnoxious self.
  • During a group acitivity, Megan shows "we" by helping one classmate get along with another classmate who didn't see eye to eye.
  • During vocabulary activities, Maria demonstrates complex thinking in her speaking, but doesn't fill out anything in her notes.

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