Battle Phase

Lego robot battle moves


Dés dans la même catégorie

Plenus →

Dado de colores del juego Plenus.

Hockey Blast →

Hockey Blast from PLAAY

Hera →

Lo mismo que el dado de arriba.


  • Attack
  • Double attack!
  • Roll again
  • Defense
  • Heal
  • Miss!
  • Attack
  • Heal
  • Traitor! One of your live robots joins the other team. You can choose which one.
  • Double heal
  • Winter Storm. Both teams lose 3 robots
  • Out of oil. Lose one of your own robots.
  • Out of oil. Lose one of your own robots.
  • Earthquake! Both sides lose 3 robots
  • Maximum Destruction! Make 3 attacks
  • Disaster. Lose 2 of your own robots.
  • Make friends! One robot from each team make friends and run off together

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Qr Code qr_battle-phase.png for this dice

Mettez-le sur votre site Web, imprimé sur votre jeu ou sur un autocollant.
> Télécharger .png

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