Advice Dice

Situations for students to consider and give advice. Use of modals

I have a job interview in English next week. How should I prepare for it?

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This is what I'm going to torture Sergiusz with - every single time! :)


  • I want to improve my English pronunciation. What should I do?
  • My friend has told lies about me and I'm angry. What should I do?
  • I want to make some new friends. What should I do?
  • I want a new car but I don't have enough money. What should I do?
  • I'd like to buy a pet but I live in an apartment. What pet should I buy?
  • I forgot my best friend's birthday yesterday. What should I do?
  • I have a job interview in English next week. How should I prepare for it?
  • I want to get a new phone. What phone should I buy?
  • I have problems getting to sleep at night. What should I do?
  • I have a very stressful job and I need to relax. What should I do?
  • I have fallen in love with my best friend's girl/boyfriend. What should I do?
  • I want to take up a new hobby in my free time. What hobby should I take up?
  • My sister wants to leave her boyfriend but she doesn't know how to tell him. What should she do?
  • I want to learn how to dance. What kind of dancing should I learn?
  • I want to do some exercise but I have a bad knee. What exercise should I do?
  • My friends are coming over for dinner and I can't cook. What should I do?
  • I want to have a romantic evening with my partner. Where should we go?
  • I want to be famous. What should I do?
  • I was looking after my friend's cat and now I can't find it. What should I do?

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