10TH GREEN | Disc Golf Party

10TH GREEN for Disc Golf Party. View Hole Rules | Disc Golf Party for the base game

FLOOR IS LAVA 2 | Start 20 ft away. Miss & you're out. Back up 10 ft after each round. Last alive wins

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this is a dice is will use, i will use


  • APPROACH PARTY | Start halfway to the basket. 2 drives per player. CTP wins
  • MYSTERY DRIVE | Choose the disc your opponent drives w/. CTP wins
  • PUTT OFF | Play 30 ft from the basket. Win on a make if opponent misses that round
  • FLOOR IS LAVA 2 | Start 20 ft away. Miss & you're out. Back up 10 ft after each round. Last alive wins
  • TOUCHDOWN PASS | One drive per team w/ a 1-2 speed. Catch your teammate's drive. Drop & you're out. CTP or last alive wins

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