Would - Book 3

KNN online class, Would

Would you stop studying English?

Dados en esta categoría

Lesson 7.8 →

Dice for lesson 7.8.

Math 1.9 →

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Module 1 lesson 9 dice


Para responder interrogantes sobre comida


  • Would you donate blood?
  • Would you consider getting plastic surgery?
  • Would you donate an organ being alive?
  • Would you lie to the cops?
  • Would you lie to help a friend?
  • Would you marry a criminal?
  • Would you eat frog meat?
  • Would you change the past?
  • Would you leave your country forever?
  • Would you hurt someone you love?
  • Would you give all of your money to charity?
  • Would you get a tattoo on your face?
  • Would you live without internet?
  • Would you die to bring someone back to life?
  • Would you commit a crime?
  • Would you marry for money?
  • Would you change your name?
  • Would you live on the streets?
  • Would you fight in a war?
  • Would you stop studying English?

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