What Would You Do If...

Second conditionals.

...you could recreate a single object from fantasy/sci-fi?

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Stories with books-Ιστορίες με βιβλία →

Γράψτε μια ιστορία για ένα βιβλίο!


  • ...you became the prime minister of Italy?
  • ...you were a billionaire?
  • ...you were a cat?
  • ...you could fly?
  • ...you could choose a superpower?
  • ...you could speak to dolphins?
  • ...you could teleport?
  • ...you could design a planet?
  • ...you woke up in a zombie apocalypse?
  • ..you could swap the sounds 2 animals make?
  • ...you could put wings on any animals you wanted?
  • ...you were able to meet any famous person you wanted?
  • ...you could erase one thing out of existence?
  • ...you could recreate a single object from fantasy/sci-fi?
  • ...you could be a professional of any sport you wanted?
  • ...you could read people's minds?
  • ...you could make an entire species extinct?
  • ...you had the power to redesign human beings?
  • ...you could bring back an extinct species?
  • ...you were tiny, like the size of a paperclip?

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Qr Code qr_what-would-you-do-if.png for this dice

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