Stories With Fantastic Books!

With each roll you get an idea about a story with a special book.

A book with live images that move and talk.

Dados en esta categoría

9 sided →

educational whole class games

Cation →

Positive ions in compound

Imparfait : dé 2 →

french 2/3 imperfect dice game


  • A flying book
  • A book with live images that move and talk.
  • A book that contains an ancient secret.
  • A book with characters that jump out of its pages every night.
  • A book which offers answers for every problem.
  • A book that absorbs whoever opens it and imprisons them in the castle that is depicted on its cover.
  • A neverending book. You grow while reading...
  • A book full of lies.
  • A book that made a mysterious appeance on my library. And thus it will vanish eventually...
  • A book that tells a different story each time depending on the person that opens it......

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