Second Conditional

English class Online activity Intermediate students

If I could have a super power...

Dados en esta categoría

Personal information →

Para hacer preguntas personales en Ingles y practicar con los estudiantes

Volcano →

volcano for rock cycle game

LSR9-Double Consonants in middle of word →

Dice has double constants for lotto game word study activity


  • If I met the queen of England...
  • If I were rich...
  • If I was a magician...
  • If I were the president...
  • If I went to the moon...
  • If I found a baby dinosaur...
  • If you saw your teacher in a police car...
  • If I could have a super power...
  • If I could fly...
  • If I spoke perfect English
  • If the internet disappeared...
  • If I could switch places with anyone...
  • If I could have any job in the world...
  • If I could be any animal...
  • If I could meet an alien...

Dado personalizado

Qr Code qr_second-conditional.png for this dice

Qr code del dado. Puedes subirla a tu web, imprimirla en tu juego o hacer pegatinas.
> Descarga .png

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