
Back then who can remember maybe the dices will enligth wath have our ancestors forgotten to teach us also the first lessons you may also just travel there and spectate..


Dados en esta categoría

Blue Sword →

Based on blue dice from Dark Soul the board game

Blue →

Blue die for Formative assessment during probability unit. Needed for experimental probability game.

Cover Tydne Kvartal 1 2018 →

Kostka, ktera rozhodne o osudu Sugyho printu


  • Hunt
  • Food
  • copulate
  • tribes
  • travelings
  • evolution
  • relationships
  • sport
  • Ou! Ou! ? ( ? = INPUT)
  • comunication
  • seasons
  • life
  • death
  • dominance
  • soumitment
  • chef of tribe
  • betrayal
  • camp fires
  • sound searching
  • art
  • neutrality
  • agressions
  • self defences
  • statues
  • wilderness

Dado personalizado

Qr Code qr_prehistorics.png for this dice

Qr code del dado. Puedes subirla a tu web, imprimirla en tu juego o hacer pegatinas.
> Descarga .png

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