PE Talking About Your Chosen Sport

For PE teachers who need fluency practice

What transferable skills does it teach?

Dados en esta categoría

Adjetivos en ingles →

English class for making sentences

Blood Type Alleles →

human blood type alleles

Sentence Structure →

Students can demonstrate their ability to create sentence variations by the formulas presented.


  • Why did you choose your sport?
  • What abilities does it require?
  • Give a rought description of how it is played
  • What are the challenges of teaching it to a specific age group?
  • What transferable skills does it teach?
  • What are the values your chosen sport develops?
  • What are the benefits of this sports for your pupils
  • What do you tell your pupils to make your sport attractive?
  • How do you know your pupils are engaged in the activity you have organized?
  • As a PE teacher, when do you give yourself a pat on the shoulder?
  • Tell me about a rewarding experience as a sports/man/ woman
  • tell me about a rewarding experience as a PE teacher

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