Passive Voice - Keep Talking 2

KNN online class, Keep Talking 2, Wednesday, 05/13/2020

My mother slammed the door.

Dados en esta categoría

make a train 3 →

make a train game to work on building a pattern

Digraph Dice →

Roll the digraph dice to create words with digraphs.

operator: common activities →

Common activities in English to use in phrases


  • My mother slammed the door.
  • My father buys groceries every week.
  • Joe has done his English homework.
  • Josh should attend college next year.
  • My sister will buy fruits at the supermarket.
  • The teacher finished the lesson.
  • The student is watching that documentary.
  • Daniel is going to write a song.

Dado personalizado

Qr Code qr_passive-voice-keep-talking-2.png for this dice

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