ODC1 Investors

For ODC1 Investors to get to know each other

What's your current role?

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Notes and rests Grade 1 →

Uses rhythm syllables for ta, ti-ti and rest


  • What's your current role?
  • What industries do you currently invest in?
  • How did you first get into VC/investing?
  • What are your career goals in the next 1 - 2 years?
  • What's a memorable deal you've been a part of recently?
  • What's most challenging for you in your role?
  • What are you most hoping to learn more about right now?
  • Do you plan to stay in your current role or switch companies soon?
  • What's your investment thesis (if you have one)?
  • What resources about VC do you recommend to others?
  • Try to find at least 1 thing about your jobs you all have in common, and 1 thing that is different for all of you

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