Must/Have To - Book 3

KNN online class, Book 3, 05/23/2020

You _________ drive slowly at the school area.

Dados en esta categoría

Fraction Dice →

Fraction Dice to play the fraction game Cover or Uncover

Level B Post Reading Comprehension →

Level B Post Reading Comprehension


Verbos regulares en español.


  • The students _________ do the homework for tomorrow.
  • It's raining. Tim ___________ take his umbrella to go to class.
  • In my school, everybody __________ wear uniform.
  • My father said my big brother __________ clean his room.
  • Everybody _____________ preserve the environment.
  • All the students ____________ obey the school rules.
  • She can't see well. She _________ wear glasses.
  • You _________ drive slowly at the school area.
  • People _________ help the animals in danger.
  • We __________ explain the project because the teacher asked us.

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