Limb Feathering

Limb feathers! Forelegs, backlegs, we got all the legs! and they have feathers! Maybe.

Your dinosaur's feathers are...Dense and short, good for protection.

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  • Your dinosaur's feathers are...sleek, narrow, and lay flat when at rest.
  • Your dinosaur's feathers are...loose, fluffy, and fan-shaped, whether resting or flared.
  • Your dinosaur's feathers are...Thick, blade-shaped, and sturdy - good for running at high speeds.
  • Your dinosaur's feathers are...extremely long and willowy. They hang about your dinosaur like fine fabric.
  • Your dinosaur's feathers are...Dense and short, good for protection.
  • Your dinosaur's feathers are...soft and downy. You should wait a little longer, maybe?
  • Your dinosaur's feathers are...short and triangular, and lay flat like scales.

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