Improv Unit Reflection Dice PYP

Improv dice end of lesson plenary

3. Tell us one rule of improv.

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Unité de mesure →

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Present perfect →

It's a dice intended to encourage students to make sentences using yet, ever, never, already, just

RECUPERACIÓN 2ª AV. (4º ESO): Literatura →

Temas da 2ª avaliación de literatura


  • 1. What is improvisation?
  • 2. What is the short word for improvisation?
  • 3. Tell us one rule of improv.
  • 4. Name one improv activity that we did in this unit.
  • 5. Do you enjoy improv? Why?
  • 6. What's the best thing about improv?
  • 7. Do you prefer improv to having a script? Explain why.
  • 8. Improv right now! You are a teacher at GIS. Tell us your story! 3,2,1 go!
  • 9. Improv right now! You are an astronaut on a mission to Mars. Tell us your story. 3, 2, 1, Lift off!

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