
This roller is for players with pedator dinosaur/beast characters that are hunting specifically for meat.

- following it leads you to a herd of pinkhooves

Dados en esta categoría

Mm1 →

Mice and Mystic tabletop game

Monster Factory Attribute →

Monster Factory: creature attribute

fate →

este dado servirá para jugar fate


  • You've caught the scent of preybeast. - following it leads you to tracks
  • You've caught the scent of preybeast. - following it leads you nowhere
  • You've caught the scent of preybeast - following it leads you to old tracks
  • You've caught the scent of preybeast.- following it leads you to a lone pinkhoof, wandering alone, separated from its herd
  • Following it leads you to a stream. You haven't learned how to swim...
  • - following it leads you to a lone pinkhoof, wandering alone, separated from its herd
  • - following it leads you to old tracks
  • - following it leads you to a herd of pinkhooves

Dado personalizado

Qr Code qr_hunting-meat.png for this dice

Qr code del dado. Puedes subirla a tu web, imprimirla en tu juego o hacer pegatinas.
> Descarga .png

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