How Many Times - Book 3

KNN online class, how many times, Book 3

to make

Dados en esta categoría

Juego # Binarios →

al lazar el dado el estudiante debe adivinar el mensaje secreto

0 - 900 →

This is for a game in school to practice the numbers 0 - 900. In Swedish, the game is called "Katten, musen, tiotusen" - "The cat, the mouse, ten thousand".

U4W4 →

Unit 4 Week 4 High Frequency Words


  • to do
  • to get
  • to make
  • to be hungry
  • to take
  • to talk
  • to see
  • to work
  • to call
  • to use
  • to give
  • to feel

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Qr Code qr_how-many-times-book-3.png for this dice

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> Descarga .png

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