Head Crest

Find out what your dinosaur looks like!

Your dinosaur has...no head crest!

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  • Your dinosaur has...no head crest!
  • Your dinosaur has...no head crest!
  • Your dinosaur has...no head crest!
  • Your dinosaur has...no head crest!
  • Your dinosaur has...no head crest!
  • Your dinosaur has...no head crest!
  • Your dinosaur has...a thick, graceful feathery plume of a head crest!
  • Your dinosaur has...a small, rounded crest of feathers around its face.
  • Your dinosaur has...a sleek fan of crested feathers that lay flat on the top of its head when at rest.
  • Your dinosaur has...thick, jagged tufts of feathers jutting down from the corners of its jaw.
  • Your dinosaur has...a crest of thick blade-shaped feathers from its head and down its neck that fluff up impressively on demand.
  • Your dinosaur has...no head crest!
  • Your dinosaur has...no head crest!
  • Your dinosaur has a soft, downy fluff on its head. Maybe proper feathers will grow in if you give it a bit of time?
  • Your dinosaur has...an elegant crest of long, draping feathers that lay down the back of its neck.
  • Your dinosaur has...a roguish mohawk of feathers from its forehead down its neck that is always more or less upright.
  • Your dinosaur has...no head crest!
  • Your dinosaur has...no head crest!

Dado personalizado

Qr Code qr_head-crest.png for this dice

Qr code del dado. Puedes subirla a tu web, imprimirla en tu juego o hacer pegatinas.
> Descarga .png

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