
Use this dice to test knowledge on examples Sectarianism at the time of Jesus and today

Provide a LOCAL example of Sectarianism today.

Dados en esta categoría

abc →


Childeren →

This die will have numbers on it to pick how many kids a person will have.

dado de 7 caras →

par tener exito siempre que lo utilices y poder organizarse teniendo un modo de realizar las tareas mas divertidas y de un forma ordenada


  • What is Sectarianism?
  • Give an example of Sectarianism at the time of Jesus
  • Provide a LOCAL example of Sectarianism today.
  • Provide a GLOBAL example of Sectarianism today
  • What have you learned from Jesus in terms of Sectarianism?

Dado personalizado

Qr Code qr_get.png for this dice

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> Descarga .png

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