Game Die

This is the coolest die

Big monsterslv3-8

Dados en esta categoría

Fut →

fut fut fut fut fut

Cardiac cycle phase →

Phases of cycle

tenths, hundredths, thousandths →

tenths hundredths thousandths


  • You fall in a hole take 5 damige
  • You fall on youer face take 3 damige
  • Sanspers take 1 damige
  • Find a lucky coin you can reroll 1 time
  • Monsters lv1-5
  • Big monsterslv3-8
  • Huge monsters lv5-10
  • Cursed item
  • Cool book +1 spell
  • Chest +30 gold
  • Clear path
  • Fire path take 1 damige fight lv 1 imp
  • Good wepon
  • Awesome wepon
  • spell tome +2 spells
  • Fight a random fight lv1d20
  • Huge fight lv2d20 only if lv 5
  • Huge fight 1d100 only lv 10
  • Dragon fight lv 20
  • The lick king only level 20 win game
  • Find a pet dog roll 10 higher you get the dog ????
  • 20 orks fight
  • 10 frogs ???? fight
  • Find a bottle
  • Trap take 1 damige +10 if you roll under 10
  • Mad wizard fighter lv10
  • Necromancer lv 5
  • Boss portal roll till you hit a boss
  • Item portal roll till item
  • Random portal roll 10 times
  • Water path +5 hp +1 spell
  • Holy path +5 max hp or +1 die
  • Trinket
  • Unholy path -5max hp +5 spell or demon sumner spell -3 spell damige
  • Curse roll 1d20
  • Mirlock prince boss lv1
  • Magic book +1 spell or skill
  • Doungen +1 all for 3 rooms
  • Doungen +1 all for 3 rooms
  • Doungen +1 all for 3 rooms
  • Mission kill 5nslimes get 30 xp
  • Great spell get a new spell or skill
  • Great spell get a new spell or skill
  • Great spell get a new spell or skill
  • Asleep the next enimy can
  • Tavern go to max hp and you can buy things
  • Tavern go to max hp and you can buy things
  • Tavern go to max hp and you can buy things
  • Tavern go to max hp and you can buy things
  • Tavern go to max hp and you can buy things
  • You rolled a 20 you can do anything for 2 turns
  • You rolled a 1 take 5 damige lose youer next turn and 1 item
  • tip the bard -5 gold +2 atk
  • Portal to the tavern or to the boss
  • Monsters in the dark +3 to monster doge
  • Lucky roll +25 gold or +10 xp
  • The next roll has +10 bad or good
  • Magic man boss lv 10000
  • Uncurse
  • Uncurse
  • Party heal
  • Change class
  • Change class
  • Change class
  • Change race
  • Change race
  • Change race
  • Drunk -5 to all rolls for 2 turns
  • Camp +5hp +5 if you have smors
  • Totem +5 xp
  • Holy chirch +2 faith
  • Arcane lab +2 int
  • Monsters
  • Monsters
  • Monsters
  • Monsters
  • Monsters
  • Monsters
  • Monsters +2 forever
  • Monsters +2 forever
  • Items
  • Big chest +1 wepon +25 gold
  • Random potions
  • Random potions
  • Random potions
  • Random potions
  • Random potions
  • Mirloc lv4
  • Ork village
  • 100 gold!
  • Cursed armer
  • Armer
  • Armer
  • Sheald
  • Awesome game get +10000 gold thanks for playing requires all bosses beat lv 50
  • Tavern of the 7 kings get +5 in any state thi place sells the best items
  • Fire keeper +1 in a state for 1 gold +5 in price per upgrade +25 after 15
  • Thief steals 2 items
  • Thief steals 2 items
  • Mage shoots you with fire ball on accident take 10 damige
  • Ork throws a axe take 3 damige fight ork
  • Necromancer needs some blood -5 hp get a pet imp
  • Lava pet +4 atk take 2 damige each turn or throw out the lava pet
  • Healing wisp -1 atk heal 1 hp a turn
  • Armer lizard +3 def -3 to excape
  • Fire wisp +3 magic -1 hp per spell
  • A old witch gives you a poison frog
  • A egipten prince gives you a cup of Egypt
  • A snake gives you a oringe
  • A bird gives you a stone
  • A book with the instructions of the Xp founten you need,a poison frog, Egypt water, oringe,stone.
  • Xp founten requires book with instructions and all the ingridiance, go to lv 50
  • Xp book +5 xp.
  • Curse you a frog -10 max hp
  • Curse can
  • Curse magic is always magic missle
  • Inn heal max drinks +1atk on next fight cost 5 gold
  • You see a dragon do you fallow it
  • Sword in the stone the lowest level player gains 3 lv and +3atk or magic
  • Orks lv5
  • Skeletons lv2
  • Demons lv10
  • Fire mageslv5
  • Mirloc army
  • Shadow demons lv5
  • Monsters
  • Monsters
  • Monsters
  • Monsters
  • Monsters
  • Monsters
  • Random Monsters
  • Random Monsters
  • Random Monsters
  • Random Monsters
  • A moveing shop it has wepons you never seen
  • Time machine move 3 times and then you go again
  • Muney imp
  • The stars are right fight the moon lord lv 10
  • Slime lv1 get a green+2hp,red+1atk,or wight+1turn
  • Slime lv1 get a green+2hp,red+1atk,or wight+1turn
  • Slime lv1 get a green+2hp,red+1atk,or wight+1turn
  • Slime lv1 get a green+2hp,red+1atk,or wight+1turn
  • Slime lv1 get a green+2hp,red+1atk,or wight+1turn
  • Black goo take 2 damige ends you next turn
  • Lost dog sigh get 100 gold if you return the dog
  • Locked chest need key, get 2 items for each party member 200 gold
  • Key item

Dado personalizado

Qr Code qr_get.png for this dice

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