Future Qs


Do you think people will work more or less in the future? Why?

Dados en esta categoría

yellow →

yellow dice for GT game


Use these for the game Snake

Onset/Rime →

WSA 2- onset/rime practice with a partner


  • Do you think people will work more or less in the future? Why?
  • What are you going to do after class?
  • What time are you going to get up tomorrow?
  • Do you think you will ever speak 'perfect' English?
  • Are you going to watch TV tonight? What are you going to watch?
  • Do you think you will live to more than 80 years old?
  • Will people be able to time travel in the future?
  • What are you going to have for dinner?
  • Are you going to play any games today? Which games?
  • Will animals be able to talk in the future?
  • Is your teacher going to give you a test next week?
  • What are you going to do for Easter?
  • What do you think your parents will do next week?

Dado personalizado

Qr Code qr_get.png for this dice

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> Descarga .png

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