Fig Lang And Sound Devices DON'T SAY IT

While getting a friend to guess the WORD, don't say the WORD or the DON'T SAY IT words.

WORD: Repetition; DON'T SAY IT: Repeat, Sound Device

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  • WORD: Figurative Language; DON'T SAY IT: figure, not
  • WORD: Literal Language; DON'T SAY IT: exactly, true
  • WORD: Metaphor; DON'T SAY IT: figurative, figure, comparison
  • WORD: Simile; DON'T SAY IT: Figure, figurative, comparison
  • WORD: Personification; DON'T SAY IT: Personify, people, qualities, characteristics, traits
  • WORD: Hyperbole; DON'T SAY IT: extreme, exaggeration, figurative, figure
  • WORD: Onomatopoeia; DON'T SAY IT: figurative, imitate, mimics, Sound Device
  • WORD: Idiom; DON'T SAY IT: figurative, figure, common,
  • WORD: Repetition; DON'T SAY IT: Repeat, Sound Device
  • WORD: Rhyme; DON'T SAY IT: Sound Device, Pattern
  • WORD: End Rhyme; DON'T SAY IT: rhyme, pattern, sentence, Sound Device
  • WORD: Assonance; DON'T SAY IT: repeat, internal, Sound Device
  • WORD: Internal Rhyme; DON'T SAY IT: repeat, similar, line, rhyme, Sound Device
  • WORD: Alliteration; DON'T SAY IT: repeat, Sound Device, letter, initial
  • WORD: Adage; DON'T SAY IT: common, saying, human
  • WORD: Pun; DON'T SAY IT: Sound Device, play, funny, same

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Qr Code qr_fig-lang-and-sound-devices-dont-say-it.png for this dice

Qr code del dado. Puedes subirla a tu web, imprimirla en tu juego o hacer pegatinas.
> Descarga .png

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