Cubing Activity (Below Readiness)

This cube is the below readiness level for the cubing activity.

List one of the three ways that teachers can ensure that their students are processing the content being taught through activities.

Dados en esta categoría

Dado de Dry Bones →


Fudge Dice →

Fudge Dice

Lunch →

Let fate decides my lunch


  • Identify what processing is in terms of students understanding.
  • List one of the three ways that teachers can ensure that their students are processing the content being taught through activities.
  • Discuss one way that a teacher can differentiate process through either student readiness, interest and learning profile.
  • Identify why having students work in small groups or independently is an easier way for teachers to differentiate.
  • Define what it means for a teacher to differentiate process.
  • Imagine a new manipulative (not mentioned) that could be used by a teacher when teaching students with different learning styles.

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