Conversation Maker

This dice will be used to help students with social skills needs begin conversations with others. It will have conversation starters

I love....

Dados en esta categoría

Practising English prepositions →

Practising English prepositions

Double Consonant Letters →

LSR 9 phonics lesson for using double consonants

6 dot →

6-dot regular dice for game play


  • Play soccer or create art
  • Top 3 favorite activities or hobbies
  • My favorite food is...
  • I want to be.....
  • I hope...
  • I love....
  • I don't like....
  • Who is in your family?
  • One word that describes me.
  • Top 3 TV Shows
  • Something about me that is unique....
  • Something about me that is silly
  • Something about me that is kind

Dado personalizado

Qr Code qr_conversation-maker.png for this dice

Qr code del dado. Puedes subirla a tu web, imprimirla en tu juego o hacer pegatinas.
> Descarga .png

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